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i'm so cliche

"you are neurotic and depressed
it doesn't mean that you are sad
you walk around oblivious to everything
you wear that party dress and mascara
like you're queen for a day."
- everclear

when you break it down to the why's and where's, life is pretty good. i have people who love me, i have family and friends, i have a healthy sex life with a boy who puts me on a pedestal. i have a good job, a new car, my mom pays my mortgage on a huge 3 bedroom house. i'm pretty and smart, i articulate myself quite well. i can spell and i have good fashion sense with pretty hair. i can for the most part eat what i want. i laugh on a regular basis. i'm captivated by tv shows made for short attention spans.

so why do i sometimes feel so empty and drained that getting out of bed is hopeless? just another lame story of a pretty middle class girl with lethargic emotions.

11:03 a.m.
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is this really me? - 2004-01-29
control freak - 2004-01-26
Kiss Me Right on the Pooper - 2004-01-02
my own personal hell - 2003-10-08
i can't complain - 2003-10-08